As spring gets closer there are several do-it–yourself, or inexpensive contractor, projects that can get your house ready to market.

Front Door

A new front door catches the eye and boosts your homes curbside appeal. It is also the most inexpensive home renovation you can do. If your door is in good shape but weathered, why don’t you refinish or repaint it?  If you do add a fresh coat of paint, use a high-quality paint and a warm, welcoming color that does well with your home.


Inspect your window and door screens for cuts and holes. If your screens are beat up, take them to the hardware store or some other facility that will replace the screen. Your house will look sharper and you will not miss the bugs that can sneak in to annoy you during the warmer days.


Grab your rake and attack the spring lawn and yard. Pick up left over leafs and branches dropped during our cold fall and winter. If working in the yard is not your cup of tea, look around for a high school student who would be happy to earn a few bucks for a days work.


Your mailbox, especially if it's right next to the street may be the first thing anyone sees. Some mailboxes are inexpensive to replace. However, it maybe just as easy to put a fresh coat of paint on it and make sure the numbers are visible.

Of course there are hundreds of projects you can do to get your home ready to sale and increase it's value. If you're interested in having your home sold contact me and let me help you get it on the market and sold.